Sunday, May 27, 2018

Bitwise Operator Exercises

Bitwise operator programming exercises and solutions in C

Data in the memory (RAM) is organized as a sequence of bytes. Each byte is a group of eight consecutive bits. Bitwise operators are useful when we need to perform actions on bits of the data.

C supports six bitwise operators.

1.Bitwise AND operator &

2.Bitwise OR operator |

3.Bitwise XOR operator ^

4.Bitwise complement operator ~

5.Bitwise left shift operator <<

6.Bitwise right shift operator >>

This exercises focuses on mastering bitwise operators. After this exercise you will surely gain some confidence using bitwise operators.

Always feel free to drop your queries below in comments section.

Required knowledge

Data types, Bitwise operators, Basic input/output, If else

List of bitwise operators exercises

Below is a set of programming exercises that can be used by a beginner or an intermediate programmer to master their skills on bitwise operator.

  1. Write a C program to check Least Significant Bit (LSB) of a number is set or not.

  2. Write a C program to check Most Significant Bit (MSB) of a number is set or not.

  3. Write a C program to get nth bit of a number.

  4. Write a C program to set nth bit of a number.

  5. Write a C program to clear nth bit of a number.

  6. Write a C program to toggle nth bit of a number.

  7. Write a C program to get highest set bit of a number.

  8. Write a C program to get lowest set bit of a number.

  9. Write a C program to count trailing zeros in a binary number.

  10. Write a C program to count leading zeros in a binary number.

  11. Write a C program to flip bits of a binary number using bitwise operator.

  12. Write a C program to count total zeros and ones in a binary number.

  13. Write a C program to rotate bits of a given number.

  14. Write a C program to convert decimal to binary number system using bitwise operator.

  15. Write a C program to swap two numbers using bitwise operator.

  16. Write a C program to check whether a number is even or odd using bitwise operator.


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