Showing posts with label Loop Exercises. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Loop Exercises. Show all posts

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Loop Exercises

Loop programming exercises and solutions in C

In programming, there exists situations when you need to repeat single or a group of statements till some condition is met. Such as - read all files of a directory, send mail to all employees one after another etc. These task in C programming is handled by looping statements.

Looping statement defines a set of repetitive statements. These statements are repeated with same or different parameters for a number of times. Looping statement is also known as iterative or repetitive statement.

C supports three looping statements.

for loop

while loop

do...while loop

In this exercise we will practice lots of looping problems to get a strong grip on loop. This is most recommended C programming exercise for beginners.

Always feel free to drop your queries, suggestions, hugs or bugs down below in the comments section. I always look forward to hear from you.

Required knowledge

Basic C programming, Relational operators, Logical operators, If else, For loop

List of loop programming exercises

  1. Write a C program to print all natural numbers from 1 to n. - using while loop

  2. Write a C program to print all natural numbers in reverse (from n to 1). - using while loop

  3. Write a C program to print all alphabets from a to z. - using while loop

  4. Write a C program to print all even numbers between 1 to 100. - using while loop

  5. Write a C program to print all odd number between 1 to 100.

  6. Write a C program to find sum of all natural numbers between 1 to n.

  7. Write a C program to find sum of all even numbers between 1 to n.

  8. Write a C program to find sum of all odd numbers between 1 to n.

  9. Write a C program to print multiplication table of any number.

  10. Write a C program to count number of digits in a number.

  11. Write a C program to find first and last digit of a number.

  12. Write a C program to find sum of first and last digit of a number.

  13. Write a C program to swap first and last digits of a number.

  14. Write a C program to calculate sum of digits of a number.

  15. Write a C program to calculate product of digits of a number.

  16. Write a C program to enter a number and print its reverse.

  17. Write a C program to check whether a number is palindrome or not.

  18. Write a C program to find frequency of each digit in a given integer.

  19. Write a C program to enter a number and print it in words.

  20. Write a C program to print all ASCII character with their values.

  21. Write a C program to find power of a number using for loop.

  22. Write a C program to find all factors of a number.

  23. Write a C program to calculate factorial of a number.

  24. Write a C program to find HCF (GCD) of two numbers.

  25. Write a C program to find LCM of two numbers.

  26. Write a C program to check whether a number is Prime number or not.

  27. Write a C program to print all Prime numbers between 1 to n.

  28. Write a C program to find sum of all prime numbers between 1 to n.

  29. Write a C program to find all prime factors of a number.

  30. Write a C program to check whether a number is Armstrong number or not.

  31. Write a C program to print all Armstrong numbers between 1 to n.

  32. Write a C program to check whether a number is Perfect number or not.

  33. Write a C program to print all Perfect numbers between 1 to n.

  34. Write a C program to check whether a number is Strong number or not.

  35. Write a C program to print all Strong numbers between 1 to n.

  36. Write a C program to print Fibonacci series up to n terms.

  37. Write a C program to find one's complement of a binary number.

  38. Write a C program to find two's complement of a binary number.

  39. Write a C program to convert Binary to Octal number system.

  40. Write a C program to convert Binary to Decimal number system.

  41. Write a C program to convert Binary to Hexadecimal number system.

  42. Write a C program to convert Octal to Binary number system.

  43. Write a C program to convert Octal to Decimal number system.

  44. Write a C program to convert Octal to Hexadecimal number system.

  45. Write a C program to convert Decimal to Binary number system.

  46. Write a C program to convert Decimal to Octal number system.

  47. Write a C program to convert Decimal to Hexadecimal number system.

  48. Write a C program to convert Hexadecimal to Binary number system.

  49. Write a C program to convert Hexadecimal to Octal number system.

  50. Write a C program to convert Hexadecimal to Decimal number system.

  51. Write a C program to print Pascal triangle upto n rows.

  52. Star pattern programs - Write a C program to print the given star patterns.

  53. Number pattern programs - Write a C program to print the given number patterns.
